4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Professional Tree Removal

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4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Professional Tree Removal

In many homeowners’ lives, there comes a time when they need to get rid of one or more of their trees.

Sometimes, you can reach this decision simply by looking at the tree. If you notice any root rot, it’s crucial to cut down the infected tree before the rot starts to spread. You can tell a tree is rotting by its branches drying up or pests deciding to make a home in it.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s tempting to cut the tree down yourself. Here are four reasons why should contact a professional tree removal service instead. Keep reading to find out more.

1. Affordability

“How can hiring a professional be cheaper than doing it myself?”, I hear you ask. For starters, you’ll likely need to rent or buy special equipment and tools. Also, you have to consider the potential liability of the tree falling on a neighbor’s property.

Keep in mind that some tree removal companies offer a discount for cutting several trees at once. You’ll still have to pay more to cut more trees, but the per-tree price will be lower. There’s also a chance that your homeowner’s policy will cover the cost of tree removal.

2. Professional Expertise

If you don’t have experience with tree removal, doing it yourself will take longer. You’re more likely to make mistakes that delay the project. Many homeowners mess things up too much and have to hire a professional to get the job done right anyway.

Any experienced tree felling service will be able to give you all the details before they get to work. This includes explaining the process, addressing the disposal plan, and giving you an accurate quote.

3. Safety Benefits

When it comes to how to get trees removed, your first concern should be safety. Tree felling requires a specific approach, and even small mistakes can lead to grave injuries. There’s also a chance of getting hit by debris or falling from a great height.

Other potential hazards involve the equipment required to remove trees. These include cranes, chainsaws, wood chippers, aerial lifts, and stump grinders. Any of these tools can be dangerous if not used properly.

4. Extensive Cleanup

It’s hard to truly realize how big a tree is until it’s laying down in your yard. Before transporting it away, you’ll need to cut it into manageable chunks. You’ll have to trim any branches you haven’t removed before taking the trunk down.

You’ll also have to grind the stump before removing it, which is hard to do without proper equipment. If you don’t do it right, the grass won’t grow back in the stump area. For these reasons, you should always have a professional take care of the cleanup.

More on Professional Tree Removal

Many home maintenance tasks make for great DIY projects, but tree removal isn’t one of them. Contrary to popular opinion, there’s more to it than standing behind a tree and cutting it down. If you don’t have experience with it, it’s best to contact a professional.

Not sure whether one or more of your trees will need to come down? Looking for safe and affordable tree felling services in Maple Valley? Contact us right here—we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!