7 Tips for Residential Tree Removal

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7 Tips for Residential Tree Removal

Did you know that there are more than 250 billion trees in the United States alone? With so many trees, it’s understandable why residential tree removal is such a common thing. But when it comes to tree removal services, many of us still have a lot to learn.

If you’ve been looking into having trees removed, we’re here to help. Here are seven crucial tips on tree removal and how best to go about having a tree removed from your yard.

1. Carefully Inspect Trees

One of the first things to do is to carefully inspect the tree in question. On the surface, things may seem completely clear. But on the inside, you never know what you might find.

For example, trees are often homes to a wide array of animals. Insects, squirrels, and birds almost always have a home in the average tree. This might make you reconsider tree removal until some animals are relocated, or you may even realize that the tree is a protected species.

But regardless of these things, you’ll want to inspect to know how the removal should go. A tree can have a nearly hollow inside without you knowing it. Causes range from termites and other pests to a sickness in the tree.

This will change the way that you need to remove a tree, as well as threaten safety. Make sure that you know what exactly you’re removing before you just go chopping things down.

2. Wear Proper Clothing

If you intend to be anywhere near a tree during the removal, you need to wear proper clothing. This goes with any set of protective gear. If you’re taking part in the removal itself, you’ll need full protection.

In terms of clothing, make sure you’re wearing long, thick pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Closed-toe shoes are also important to wear in case of falling debris. This will help make sure that small pieces of the tree don’t cause injury, but it isn’t the extent of the protective gear you should wear.

3. Proper Safety Measures

When it comes to full protective gear, there’s much more you should wear. Obviously, the above clothing is important to wear at the very minimum. 

For full protection, make sure that you have whatever is needed to keep you up in the tree. This could be a harness and ropes for some tree removal services, or a full cherry-picker or crane. Whatever you’re using, make sure you lessen the risk of falling.

Additionally, eye protection is important. This is especially the case if you’re cutting or sawing at the tree, as small particles can become projectiles under power. Failure to do so can cause you to lose an eye or worse.

Thick gloves and work boots are also great things to wear for protection. All of this is most important if you’re the one doing the actual tree removal. If you’re using power tools like a chainsaw, make sure that you’re using them safely.

4. Inform Neighbors

Another important thing to do is to inform any nearby neighbors that you intend to remove the tree. This isn’t just a kindness – though they’ll appreciate the heads up. Loud power tools or heavy equipment can annoy some neighbors, and they’ll appreciate having the heads up.

That said, there are more practical reasons than trying not to annoy your neighbors. Some homeowners associations will require that you have such intense work done during certain hours. Make sure that you don’t end up with a letter.

It’s also important for safety. Your neighbors should know if there will be heavy equipment or falling trees nearby. This can help ensure that they aren’t at risk in case something goes wrong and the tree falls.

Giving them the heads up means that they’ll know to clear out their yard of anything fragile that your tree could damage. It also lets them know that they might need to do some cleanup on their side. Falling branches and leaves from the removal can end up in their yard, and a heads-up helps them handle that easily.

5. Start Early

One thing that will help immensely is to get an early start on your tree removal. If you have tree removal services coming, you can expect them to do the same.

This is for a simple reason – tree removal takes time. Starting later in the day means that you run the risk of running out of sunlight. Doing this in the dark isn’t advisable and most professionals are going to stop working when the sun goes down.

Start early in the morning to have it done before the sun goes down. This will help with safety and efficiency.

6. Let Professionals Work

If you’re not certain on how best to go about tree removal, the best thing you can do is hand the work to professionals. Searching the internet for “residential tree removal near me” or something similar is a great way to go about this.

Finding the right tree removal services can make your task significantly easier. It won’t be free, but it will be safer, quicker, and allow the use of machinery you may not have.

7. Anticipate the Cost

If you decide to hire tree removal services, look into residential tree removal cost. This isn’t a free service – it’s actually rather expensive by most standards. You can expect to spend around $1,000 for large, extensive tree removal. 

Make sure that you’re not caught off guard by the price. Anticipating your tree removal can help you save up. Tree removal is rarely an emergency that needs to be done quickly, so there’s no rush!

Safe Residential Tree Removal

Residential tree removal is something that many homeowners have to deal with. Do your best to stay safe and protected. When in doubt, hand the work off to professionals to get the job done efficiently and safely.

If you have more questions about tree removal services, feel free to contact us. You can also browse our blog for more information.